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Re: As we're talking about Ghurka's anyway...

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 08:31:44 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: As we're talking about Ghurka's anyway...

--- Bif Smith <> wrote:

> Does this mean you will have to learn to be able to
> hit the broadside of a
> barn from a range of greater than 10 feet? Or use
> less than a clip everytime
> you pull the trigger?<G>.
> (steriotyping mickey taking)

Pardon the late response.  I've been out playing
soldier (accumulating various cuts and bruises,
shredding a uniform past the point of repair,
acquiring a sleep disorder, and eating square eggs). 
So I've got all 300+ messages lined up in my mailbox.
But in answer to your question, I will, at your
convenience, demonstrate my ability to hit a man-sized
target at up to 300m with either an M-4 or M-16A2. 
You are invited to observe from the position of target

With my current weapon (M-249 SAW*) I can handle you
at the range at which I can accurately resolve a
human-sized image with the naked eye through sights
(shorter than you'd think).  Of course, that's with a
burst.	Single shot you have to be closer and hold
still a bit.

To hit you with a 9mm, you have to be a good deal
closer, but if you get within effective range I have
no doubt in my ability to hit you.

John M. Atkinson

*Read: FN Minimi with Yank accent 

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