Re: [DS] Why tank destroyers?
From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 06:41:05 EDT
Subject: Re: [DS] Why tank destroyers?
On Thu, 06 Sep 2001 13:53:48 +1000 Derek Fulton
>At 11:21 5/09/01 -0400, you wrote:
>>Showing my complete ignorance, did the UK have TD designs? How were
>The Deacon, a 6 pdr mounted in the back of a truck, also used a 2 pdr
>portee in the Western Destern. these 'trucks with guns' were pressed
>service because of a lack of suitable armoured vehicles.
That was an allied constant in the early years. Wonder how you might
apply that fact in DS2...
> From 1940 onwards there was a stream of experimental gun carriers
>with 2, 6 and 25 pdrs but these were unsuitable. One example was the
>Churchill 3in gun carrier (late 1941), while the 3in gun would have
>preformed the churchill chassis was slow and ponderous.
Should it have been called the "Matilda III"? DS2 doesn't allow you to
try being super slow and super armored. In fact the lack of reason
(benefit) of using open topped vehicles or lighter (or heavier) armor is
one of the failings (yeah there are a few) of DS2. Heavy armor (with
decreased mobility, lost capacity and higher cost) and lighter armor
not options the system takes into consideration. Not that I am sure
would be used very often...
>More successful was the Archer, a Valentine chassis mounting a 17 pdr
>facing to the rear (shoot and scoot), introduced in 1944. Initially a
>interim measure the Archer was so successful it remained in service
>the 1950s
Heard reference to it but never came across a picture/write up (never
looked that hard to be honest.) Now that does make me want to try one
a game... chasing one could be the worst thing to do? No benefit in
that design in DS2? Might be interesting in SG2?
>The A30 Challenger was also adapted for the TD role, but due to
>problems it didn't make it into the war. 230 were delviered to the RA
>in 1946.
Lot of that late in 1945 - everything was slowing down research
development wise even if not intentional as it became clear the war was
going to be over sometime soon. Of course the Battle of the Bulge kind
of kept complacency from growing too powerful. How many times do you
build in complacency in a scenario?
>The British also took delivery of some lend-lease M10s Wolverines, and
>replaced the 3in gun with the local 17 pdr and renamed it the
>this also remained in service after 1945.
>Guess what I've been reading :)
Um, guess it's not the wars with the Maori, huh?
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