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Re: Primer

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 11:23:33 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: Re: Primer

mrUseless schrieb:
> As far as avoiding the use of enamels, I think that is most likely 
> started by some company wishing to sell their special overpriced 
>  I thought I should be avoiding enamels.....	(Think I saw that on a 
> somewhere....)   

Don't believe everything you see on the web ;-)

The main argument against using enamel paints, AFAIK, is that they need 
hydrocarbon solvents like turpentine or white spirit, both as a medium 
and to clean brushes and other painting equipment. This is a concern 
from a health and environmental viewpoint and they also cost extra 
money compared to the alternative, namely water-based paints such as 
acrylics. Note that in the quantities used by modellers, the 
health/environment issue is not usually serious if you use them in a 
reasonable fashion. 

As far as painting results, durability etc. go, there is not much to 
choose between enamels and other paints. There are a lot of other 
points that make or break a paint job (good, clean brushes, for 
example, skill and practice etc.) 


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