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Re: beams and shooting at fighters

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 10:09:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: beams and shooting at fighters

On 14-Jun-01 at 10:05, Thomas Barclay ( wrote:
> While the iron is hot....
> My big beef, from a recent game, is with the 
> inability of ships to engage non-attacking 
> fighters. Here's the situation: Landing assault on 
> a planet. Assaulting player is losing transports. 
> But his fighters (having wiped out the 
> defenders) are utterly safe because the 
> defender can't fire at them if they don't attack. 
> He says to me "Why don't I put my marines 
> aboard fighters since they're invulnerable?". He 
> was being facetious, but the point was valid. 
> Since ADFC is uncommon in FB designs, and the 
> defending fleet had none (mostly small ships 
> like CVs, FFs and DDs), they were utterly unable 
> to swat the pesky fighters flying around. They 
> could kill any OTHER object on the board.... 
> I wonder if there is a good way to address this. 

We have a house rule that ADFC allows you to fire
at _any_ fighters within 6 inches.  Doesn't seem
to have any negative impact that we have seen and
makes ADFC escorts go out and hunt down fighters.

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