RE: [DS] Heavy Weapon Teams [SG] Laser weapons
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 20:15:05 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: [DS] Heavy Weapon Teams [SG] Laser weapons
--- Brian Bell <> wrote:
> OK. So you have 200 rounds, but your infantry team
> cannot move out of
> integrety range from it or it cannot fire the
> mortar. This I can accept.
> If you are saying that you can dump the ammo on a
> location on the board and
> have the Mortar Team go anywhere on the board and
> fire, this I would have a
> problem with.
I've never had a problem with people wanting to move
mortars all over the place. Anywhere you'd attack
with light infantry doesn't have counter-battery
radars (presumably--I've never run a scenario that
has) and mortar range is still 'tabletop' so why would
you move it? It's never come up so I havn't thought
about it.
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