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Re: WotD Laser Targeting

From: Jaime Tiampo <fugu@s...>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 09:27:33 -0800
Subject: Re: WotD Laser Targeting

Derk Groeneveld wrote:
> I'd want a laser designator with my inf, comms attempt to get a
> ready to fire. Then, do normal direct fire against vehicle. Resolve
> minor/major hits with regular GMS damage.

Basically that's it, though the laser would give you a die shift up for
targeting since you have something to follow.

> Did I understand from your post that you'd ONLY have the laser on
> vehicles? Modern day laser designators are already man-portable, and
> think of a single reason why they wouldn't be even  more so in the

No, it's man portable. I was descibing two versions. 1 for infantry and
1 for masts on vehicles like VTOLS so that they don't have to expose
themselves completely, just like some modern helos have.

I'll try and summerise better incorporating what people have said in the

Man Portable Laser Designator:

* Designate which infantryman carries it;
* Takes one action to setup and target;
* Takes one action to take down;
* Shifts targeting die up one for normal fire resolution

Vehicle Mounted:

* Can be mounted in "mast" or hard point in hull;
  - if in mast, mast has armour D6 (2 mass allocation)
  - if in hull, counts as sensor (1 mass allocation)
* Takes one action to aquire target;
* Shifts targeting die up one for normal fire resolution

Units with laser designator can:

* Can do comm call to other unit to have them fire "overhead" a GMS;
  - machanic same as artilery call except:
	~ Vehicles attached to smame platoon as calling squad is same

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