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[ft] wotw - needlebeams

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 12:46:00 +1100
Subject: [ft] wotw - needlebeams

Below is a commentary on the systems brought up & possible balance and

Multi-arc Needlebeam
Mass: 2 +1 per arc, Cost: 3 per mass.
** 6" range, other rules as per Needlebeam.  Needs the range penalty for
incentive to take regular needlebeams.

Heavy Needlebeam
Mass: 5, 1 arc, Cost: 3 per mass.
2 die vs 1 system at 12", 1 die vs 1 system at 24". Additional beam
All other rules as per Needlebeam.
** well-balanced between cost and effect; doesn't need the extra firecon
rules.	You're trading range for efficiency (2 regular needles are
better at
close range).

Sniper Gun
** too complicated & has same effect as regular needlebeam (different

Phalon Pulsar-N
** Allow as an additional tuning option.  6" range, same arcs as Pulsar.
All other rules as Needlebeam.	The reduced range trades off the ability
multiple arcs.

Sa'Vasku Pod - Needle
Biomass:1, Power: 3.  
** Range 12". 3 die vs 1 system, other rules as per Needlebeam.  The
of losing biomass needs a balancing factor.

St*r Tr*k Multiuse beams (genre specific only)
** If using standard FB rules: 6" range & subtract 1 die from normal
(ie: PDS & class-1 can't be used).  Damage is rolled as normal & if 1
scores a six *and* damage is applied to the hull (it has to get through
screens and armour), then the system takes 1 needlebeam hit result.  All
other rules as per Needlebeams.

Effector Beam
** This should come under EMP rules.

Starfire Primary Beam
** not really happy with any of the models so far, as they don't show
effectiveness of dropping one into the powerplant/AM magaizine etc.


Neath Southern Skies -
[MKW2] Admiral Peter Rollins - Task Force Zulu-Beta
[Firestorm] Battletech PBeM GM

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