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Re: DS - Size 1 Walker Minis??

From: Jeremey Claridge <jeremy.claridge@k...>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 16:20:09 +0000 ()
Subject: Re: DS - Size 1 Walker Minis??

> Hello All,
>	What minis do you use for the size 1 infantry walkers? I was
> at the GZG ones and the Battletech Power Armor blisters (24 figs). The
> Battletech look like they are smaller then the GZG ones but it is hard
> tell from just pictures.

I started off using battletech 1/300th elementals they were about the
right size.
I've moved on to GZG infantry walkers because they are better figures
the size is about the same.

Someone correct me here if I'm wrong but I think the GZG's walkers are
12-15mm high.

Jeremey Claridge

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