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FT-Help needed with new weapons

From: "bif smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 13:36:40 -0000
Subject: FT-Help needed with new weapons

I have ideas for some new weapons, and require help with balancing
dammage effect (see gravitic pulse lance). All comments greatfully
Or sugestions if I ought to forget them <G>.


Combines a p.torp with a beam cannon, designed to allow beam weapons to
become more effective against FB ships, with their greater DP, and allow
better representation of WW1/2 warships. High dammage potential vs
mass required, especially for heavy PBC. Also makes sheilds more useful
(damn near neccesary <G>). Comes in three sizes, Light (LPBC), Normal
and Heavy (HPBC).

Light PBC (LPBC)
Mass=5 (1 arc) +1 per arc*
Cost=x4 mass
Range=Same as Cl.2 beam batt.
Dammage=Roll same as a Cl.2 batt, with the same effect for
Instead of  1 or 2 DP, each DP equals 1D6 or 2D6 DP, with rerolls on a

*Originally used 6 mass=3 arcs, & 8 mass=6 arcs. Unsure of which is

Normal PBC (PBC)
Mass=10 (1 arc) +2 per arc
Cost=x4 mass
Range=Same as Cl.3 beam batt.
Dammage=See above, except using Cl.3 batt die.

Heavy PBC (HPBC)
Mass=14 (1 arc) +3 per arc
Cost=x4 mass
Range=Same as Cl.3 beam batt.
Dammage=Same as normal PBC, except doubled (2D6 or 4D6 DP!).

EG-HPBC fire @ a target 18 MU, no sheilds protecting. Rolls 2D6, gets a
and a 6 (3=no dammage, 6=4D6 dammage + reroll). Reroll gets a 2 (no
dammage). Dammage rolls 4, 2, 6, 1, total dammage is 13 DP!.


Designed to fire a focused, high powered gravitic pulse at a enemy, and
cause the gravitic systems to short out/overload. Thought up to take out
kinetic sheilds and such like. Systems taken out by this weapon would be
allowed to be repaired with a succesful DCP roll. Would only work
certain systems, and would effect all these systems with one shot.
fires first, so if hits may allow other weapons to follow up and aviod
sheilds (already taken out).
Range=8 MU?
Cost=x5 mass?
To Hit Roll=1D6, hits on a 5 or 6.
System Effected=Kinetic sheilds (overloads generator), Normal sheilds?
(maybe, undecided at the moment), Hyperdrive (shorted out by pulse,
repaired, no FTL), Advanced drives (say 1/2 thrust until repaired, or if
using cinematic, affects all drives), K-guns (if you say K-guns use
accelerators), Long range sensors (could also effect long range f.con
control, say requiring 2 f.cons for targets over 24 MU?, undecided),
Acceleration compensators (ship loses DCP/Crew factors equal to thrust
that turn. Represents the crew being killed/injured by high G falls when
compensators fail suddenly. Other crew would be straped in, so
unaffected to
the same degree??). Would say the grav lance pulse effects all the
with only one roll to hit. On a 6, the lance feeds back, and as well as
effecting the enemy ship, also effects the firing ship as well..
this weapon to a needle beam**, it effects more systems at once, but
repairs. It also allows effected systems to be repaired (unlike needle
beams), but also has a 50/50 chance of back firing and effecting both
at once. This one needs a lot of work, so HELP, any comments greatfully

**Also though about kinetic sheilds vs needle beams. Do kinetic sheilds
needle beams, or do they punch streight through due to the very tight
focusing used? (I lean towards the latter).

"yorkshire born,yorkshire bred,
strong in arms, thick in head"

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