re:FT-Help with new weapons
From: "Bif Smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 18:10:33 -0000
Subject: re:FT-Help with new weapons
Laserlight, BIF stands for Big Idiotic Fu**er, a nickname I`ve had since
school. My real name is David Spencer Smith (DSS). The reason my
to the FTSR is under chris smith is I was using my bro.s e-mail account
the time.
The PBC`s are a direct fire cannon/gun, the same as beam weapons are
normally. Instead of a beam weapon doing 1 or 2 +reroll damage points, a
does 1D6 or 2D6 pammage points +reroll. The Grav Pulse Lance is a direct
fire weapon, designed to take out gravitic systems aboard a starship,
was thought up as a way to defeate damage/kinetic sheilds. If you think
PBC`s are overpowered in respect to lighter ships, I was trying to game
great dammage potential of dreadnought battleship`s guns, and a single
from a 15" main gun could sink any destroyer ever built (a near miss
be enough. The water spash would normally be enough to break the
of a DD, spliting it in half, and sinking it).
Also, you might be interested in a battle report from the play testing
the HET lasers. I used identical ships, with the beam batts replaced
het lasers.
Volga DDH vs het volga DDH. Normal volga won (but only just), due to
able to dammage the het armed ship before the greater dammage of the
could be brought to bear.
Tibet CL vs het tibet CL. Normal tibet won (walk over). The extra
defence from the sheilds mounted on the het ship was still not enough to
counter the range advantage of normal beams. My have also been due to
die rolls on my part (teske feild I beleave).
Manchuria BC vs het manchuria BC. HET BC won, due to greater DP holding
dammage/threshold checks until hets could make a difference. Margin of
victory wasn`t that great (14 DP remaining vs destroyed).
Maria Von Burgand BB vs het maria von burgand BB (with p.torp replaced
another cl.3 het). Normal BB won (a slaughter actually). The range limit
hets was such that at long range of over 24 MU, the het could not hit,
the normal BB was putting out 5 die of dammage (and p.torp missed).
16-24 MU (max range of cl.3 hets), the maria was putting out 12 die of
dammage, where as the het was putting out only 6 die of dammage! On the
turn, the range dropped to 9 MU, and the het was only putting out 12 die
dammage vs 26 die of dammage (both totals for normal BB not including
p.torp, which hit both times!). From this I say hets will be more useful
high thrust ships, with sheilds to protect them until they can close the
range. This might be useful, in that I don`t think that hets are too
powerful for their mass, and the cost is higher than normal beams, so
increasing the NPV of your fleet/squadren.
Comments anyone?
"yorkshire born,yorkshire bred,
strong in arms, thick in head"