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Re: [sg] Support Weapon Questions (Somewhat related)

From: "Jack Mosquera" <jjmjack@h...>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 14:19:20 -0500
Subject: Re: [sg] Support Weapon Questions (Somewhat related)

One thing that I found missing in the rules, or at least not covered
is the use of SAW/Machinegun Teams.
Machinegun teams, according to the rules would only be able to fire
even if they had two activations, where in position, set up with a field
fire, loads of ammunition (belt/battery/box feeds), and containing a
and other crew.

What I usually do is allow machinegun teams the ability to fire twice.
during each activation.

A machinegun squad of three troopers is set up to fire at an enemy
squad, if
the gunner fires (Quality) a SAW/Machinegun (Penetration) you can't
the high volume of fire, and you only roll two dice; the other guys in
squad are busy stabilizing and fedding ammo to the thing. However by
them fire twice, once in each action, you can simulate high volume of
as should be generated by an in-position tripod/bipod machinegun team.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 2:00 PM
Subject: RE: [sg] Support Weapon Questions

> On Fri, 19 January 2001, "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" wrote:
> > Thanks!
> You're welcome!
> > I only found it described by weapon:
> Here is a passage that describes the intent. Page 15, under Actions
Activations (two paragraphs above the part you quoted in your message):
> "An ACTION... is the unit doing ONE THING such as moving, firing etc.
actions are carried out by the entire unit (i.e. movement), while some
concern the unit leader (eg. communication attempts) or a special
trooper (eg. firing a missile at a point target) - in all cases,
one action is taken up irrespective of how many unit members it directly
> The implication is that firing half the squad at one target is an
for the squad, even though only half the squad did it. Firing at the
target is a second Action, again even though only half the squad fired.
> > Now another related question:
> > Am I correct in assuming that any one unit may only make ONE attack
> > any ONE target in an activation?
> >
> > I.e. the SAWs in the previous example could not fire at the same
> > the small arms if they were being fired independantly (not combined
> >
> > If I am correct, it is per activation or turn?
> >
> > What is the difference? If a unit is reactivated, can it perform
> > fire action? If so, can it target the same unit it targeted before?
> The rules state that a weapon may only fire once per turn. This was
corrected by Mike Elliott soon after SG2 came out to state that a weapon
only fire once per ACTIVATION.
> However, they CAN fire at the same target. The SAWs in your example
fire at a target on their own, and then the rest of the squad can fire
the same target. However, each fire would take up one Action.
> There is a question as to whether you allow this kind of split fire. I
believe Tom B. doesn't. It is not, however, specifically disallowed in
rules and ability to split fire is implied by the rules.
> The end result is that split fire takes up two Actions. It has a
probability of a suppression result, but it has a lower probability of
inflicting casualties.
> Once a unit is reactivated, it gets to fire again. This is the reason
the correction from what's in the book. The book states that each weapon
only fire once per turn. However if a squad is reactivated with a
Action, then the squad gets to fire again.
> Allan Goodall -
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