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RE: UNSC fleet carrier design

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 13:28:51 +1100
Subject: RE: UNSC fleet carrier design

Modules wouldn't really be feasable for a design this large due to the
of hulls to fit them to (the FSE Jeanne D'arc is only in single
342 mass is really too large (it screams "target" on every sensor
With mixed armament, it would be better to have something like the NSL
carriers, with 4-5 fighter groups & respectable armament.  It's too
undergunned for a SDN sized ship; once the fighters are gone, a Valley
(190 mass) will tear it apart.

Drop it to around 260-270 mass with 5-6 fighter groups & add 3-4 more
class-3 batteries and another firecon for enough firepower to at least
the escorts away.

Neath Southern Skies -
[Pirates] Dame Captain Washalot
[NPJB] Absorbent Sponge Sheesh'Ka'Baab
[MKW2] Admiral Peter Rollins - Task Force Zulu-Beta

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Stanley Taylor []
> Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 7:49 AM
> #Peacekeeper class Fleet Carrier
> Displacement: 34200 tonnes (MASS factor 342)
> Hull type: Weak (Hull Integrity 76)
> Crew: 86 officers, 256 ratings (Crew Factor 17) plus fighter pilots
> Armanent: 2 x Class 1, 2 x 3-arc Class 2 (FP-F-FS),
> 2 x 3-arc Class 3 batteries, 2x Pulse Torpedo Launchers, (all in
> AP-FP-F, AS-FS-F pairs)
> Defences: 6 Point Defence Systems, Grade 12 Armour, Level 1 Screens
> Sensor suite: Standard sensors, 3 Fire-control systems
> Drive systems: 4 x Large Drive module, rating 5, FTL (Jump) Drive
> Hanger bays: 8 bays holding 48 fighters
> TMF: 342
> NPV: 1,157 + 48 fighters
> Later models drop the Level 1 screen and instead have 4 extra PDS 2
> extra class-1 batteries, and 11 more points of hull integrity.
> Any comments?
> Charles

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