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Re: (FT) UIM and DERFACs

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <s_schoon@p...>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 08:09:01 -0700
Subject: Re: (FT) UIM and DERFACs

As an old ex-SFBer, I actually think that I can comment here...

>UIM: +1 to hit for ranges up to 30, but weapon automatically is
>damaged and fixable.  Only for pulse torpedoes and B2s & B3s
>(may want to use only for pulse torps).
>Use is optional at time of firing.
>No change to cost.
>Alternatively, if any die to determine a hit is a 1 then the weapon
>is damaged and fixable. The cost multiple is increased by 1.  Or,
>should this have no damaging effect on the weapon?

I'd say to go with the "damaged on a 1" idea. It fits the spirit of 
the SFB system most accurately.

>DERFACS: extends the range of pulse torpedoes to 36, chance to
>hit from 30-36 is 6.
>I don't know if I want to make it a separate fire-control-like icon
that can
>be damaged or increase the cost of the pulse torpedo.	Increasing
>the cost is probably easier, say +1 to the multiple, although I think
>this is too costly for a small increase in range?
>Increase the mass by 1 (becomes 5 + 1 per arc)?

I'd say "yes" to the dedicated fire control, which would also be 
damaged on a roll of a 1.


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