Re: Simple Questions
From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 05 Jul 2000 14:06 GMT
Subject: Re: Simple Questions
>----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
>Betreff: Simple Questions
>Empfänger: 'GZG'
>Datum: 05. Jul 2000 15:32
> I really should know these, I used to once, and then I forgot them.
> 1) ADFC's. I thought I'd read somewhere that under FB1 rules, they
> can no longer just fire at any fighters/missiles within 6MU, they
> can only fire at them if they are a) attacking the ship itself, or
> b) attacking a friendly ship that is within 6MU.
> When I tried to find the rule again yesterday, I failed.
In the FB2 book, p.7 under ADFC it says 'One ADFC allows the ships PDS
... to fire at any combinations of threats ... that are DIRECTLY
attacking one other ship ...' (my emphasis)
To be precise, it's not the ADFC that does the shooting, it's PDSystems
controlled by the ADFC
> 2) Kra'Vak MKP's and Firecon, (do they need a Firecon themselves).
> 3) Whilst trying again to find the answer to 2), I couldn't find the
> rules for FireCon systems for Human PDS systems. I'm pretty sure >
they don't need a working FireCon, I just couldn't find it in the >
Full Thrust rulebook p.8, end of firecon section:
'Please note that DEFENSIVE weapons (PDAF & ADAF) ... have their own
... fire-control equipment built-in; they do not require the use of the
ships main fire-con ...'
> Cheers in advance for the help
> P.S: Since I'm off work this week, I've updated my website with
pictures of all my miniatures (Kra'Vak and Sa'Vasku not yet done)
> Paul Grogan