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Re: Measuring things...

From: Jeremey Claridge <jeremy.claridge@k...>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 09:55:34 +0100 ()
Subject: Re: Measuring things...

>  >Can I pre-measure distances to all ships?
> Yep, if it takes your fancy, though we usually just measure to the
ones we 
> think we have a chance of being in range of ;)

Funny this because despite the technology involved, myself and the
people I game with
normally never pre-measure anything ever. We leave it all to guess work.

Means we sort of end up using sci-fi battleships like Spanish galleons

Mind you thinking about it you could always make it a game issue. How
fire controls are the same as DSII where you buy Basic/Enhanced/Superior

Basic lets you pre-measure one target, Enhanced 2 targets, Superior 3

Or to keep it even more simple how about sacrificing a fire control to
allow pre-measuring.

>  >Can I measure angles?
> We've often done that to check you're in arc if its a close one.

I have an fire arc template which I printed onto a tranparent film. When
any ship wants to fire
it can be rested on top of the model to see exactly who's in what fire
arc. I've never had a 
problem over fire arcs.

Jeremey Claridge

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