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Re: [FT] Missing ships

From: Phillip Atcliffe <Phillip.Atcliffe@u...>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 09:14:26 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [FT] Missing ships

On Mon, 29 May 2000 11:28:02 +1000 Beth Fulton 
<> wrote, anent of who buys what in the way 
of ships from whom:

Quoting Schoon:
>>Japan - Produces NAC Designs

> Why not a load of their own too - of all the nations I could see 
taking their own path by then I'd say these guys would be at the top of 
the list (especially if they end up the way all anime fans expect... 
fighter/mech heavy) <

Plus the fact that Jon T has said that there's a load of Japanese ships 
in the pipeline -- heavily anime-influenced, IIRC. Remember that Jon 
asked us to choose if the FT-11xx range were to be UN, Japanese or 
someone else. We said UNSC, which he was happy with because he had 
other ideas for Japan -- so add Japanese self-design to that list.

Phil, hoping I remembered all that correctly...
"If you let a smile be your umbrella... you'll get wet teeth!"
   -- a forgotten comedian, quoted by me: Phil Atcliffe

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