Dragon Con
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 17:17:16 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Dragon Con
It appears I lost the one reply from last time, so...
Is anyone planning on hitting Dragon Con (Jun 29-July 2 in Atlanta)?
If so and you are interested in playing GZG games let me know. I
have an FSE fleet, a Star Destroyer, and a bunch of Star Trek ships.
If you want to play SG I have about 16 20mm Storm Troopers and
16 20mm SW Rebels and a chicken walker I could bring. I'd like
to play DSII but I don't have the rules or minis.
Not related to the list, but if anyone wants to play Fantasy Rules!
I could be convinced to finally finish my 15mm orc army. :)