Re: PDP-8 building instructions in your kitchen...
From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@d...>
Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 22:59:56 +1000
Subject: Re: PDP-8 building instructions in your kitchen...
From: "Donald Hosford" <>
> Sounds like the PDP-8 was a "pocket calculator"...or would be these
No - or rather, yes. Considering a pocket calculator these days is the
equivalent of
all the computers in the world in 1950, and then some.
A PDP-8 is a full-fledged CPU - not as powerful as a Z-80 or 8086, but
the same class.
Quite adequate for many purposes. And a single 1 million component chip,
similar to a
486, could have 1000 of em on. Some modern Video cards use exactly this
technique -
a simple but powerful CPU, x 1000 or more in parallel.