re: Re: (FT) Re: simple sensors, using centimeters
From: "David Reeves" <davidar@n...>
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 09:58:05 -0400
Subject: re: Re: (FT) Re: simple sensors, using centimeters
> Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 09:21:45 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Roger Books <>
> Subject: Re: (FT) Re: simple sensors, using centimeters
> On 2-May-00 at 09:14, ( wrote:
> > And I'm
> > getting really tired of reglueing those fiddly bits back on (the old
> > SFB minis are really bad for this).
> Fiddly bits knocked off? I didn't think you could knock the fiddly
> bits off of the plastic ones without destroying them. Do you
> use Testors model cemement? It seems to melt the plastic together.
> As for the others, I epoxy everything and to date have only had
> 1 base break, and that because someone stepped on it.
how did you epoxy the ships on the stands and get them to dry straight,
since it takes a couple of hours to set with enough viscosity? did you
epoxy putty/ribbon?
*please* tell me how there is a viable epoxy solution!