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Re: Mission to Mars

From: Greg Wong <gregwong@b...>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 00:21:45 -0800
Subject: Re: Mission to Mars

I liked War of the Worlds also.  I grew up in Hacienda Heights which is
near where the first Martians land in the movie.  They land in the
Hills" which is around the area of Hacienda Heights.  The Flying Wing
a nuke on that landing site.  However, Hacienda Heights didn't exist
the time the movie was made.  Other locations in the movie such as
Pomoma, and the San Gabriel Mountains are all in that area.  Pacific
Tech, I
believe, is the old name for what is now known as Cal Tech located in
And the destruction of the Los Angeles city hall was great.

That movie just brings back fond memories of my childhood.


>My favorite's the old "War of the Worlds." Not because of any 
>artistic or scientific merit, but because it has a character named 
>"Bilderbeck," whis is about as close as I'll ever get to my 15 
>Brian B

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