[OFFICIAL] Scenario book update and gentle prodding...
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 18:38:34 +0100
Subject: [OFFICIAL] Scenario book update and gentle prodding...
Hi all,
Well, we survived UK GenCon and are now getting caught up with the
resulting backlog (still got a ton of emails to read!!).
I've had a few submissions for the proposed Scenario/AAR book so far,
several more promised to us, but if the project is to get off the ground
and be worth doing then we need more - preferably lots more!
To those who have already submitted, many, many thanks - to those who
promised stuff, we'd really like to see it as soon as possible - and to
those of you who are still thinking about it, please send something in!
you're not sure if it is good enough or not, send it anyway - Alex (who
editing the project for me) can make a decision on it and get back to
for revisions or rewrites if necessary.
Can I put in a BIG request to anyone out there who has run scenarios for
our games at Conventions - GenCon, GZG-ECC and any others - we'd love
use some of this stuff in the book; it doesn't HAVE to have an AAR or
write-up with it, though a few comments on how it ran at the Con would
always be useful.
The sooner I start getting the stuff in and pass it over to the project
editor, the sooner he can start work on it and the sooner it'll get into
print, those of you who have submitted stuff that gets used will get
free copies and everyone else can buy one!
A couple of you have offered the use of anything off your websites -
is VERY much appreciated, but our greatest problem is time (well, lack
it), and it would actually be very much better for us if you could pick
stuff that you think is worth submitting from your site and send it in
us - this will make it much simpler for us to use the material.
Thanks guys, hoping to hear from you soon (please reply by PRIVATE
not to the list - thanks!)
Jon (GZG)