Prev: Re: FT: rear firing arcs, home-made star mat Next: RE: Armageddon Outfitter (was: Granaatscherven)

Re: FT cargo/aux ships.

From: Michael Sarno <msarno@p...>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 19:35:52 -0400
Subject: Re: FT cargo/aux ships.

Ryan M Gill wrote:

> This has me thinking about my idea for PT boats and an associated
> for them. The PT boats would stay in system and get shuttled about to
> other systems with the tender. They'd get transported in the bays of
> the tender and be size 6-8 with no FTL drive.
> They'd have pds, a
> torpedo and a 8 thrust engine to make maneuver easy.

    Great idea.  I came up with this one a few months ago.  It's the
Class, as in Captain Wallace Binghamton<g>, Torpedo Boat (PT).	I can
only get
the mass down to 10, not 6-8, and that's without the PDS that you
Maybe I'm not handling the fractions right; I don't know.  Any


Binghamton Class Torpedo Boat (PT)
System	      Mass	  Cost
Hull		10		  10
Integrity	 1		  2
Main Drive    4 	       8
Firecon 	 1		  4
Pulse Torp    4 	       12

Michael Sarno
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Prev: Re: FT: rear firing arcs, home-made star mat Next: RE: Armageddon Outfitter (was: Granaatscherven)