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Re: Vector Movement and SML's

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 13:36:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Vector Movement and SML's

On 11-Aug-99 at 13:22, Bell, Brian K ( wrote:
> 6" is a bit much for vector. In the Fleet Book, the average ship has a
> thrust of 4. If you have a 6" radius, you can guarantee a hit on any
> with a MD of 4 or less. Just place your SM's at the point where the
> target's current heading and velocity will take it. It will not be
able to
> move 6" from that point (and therefore will be in range). 

If you think about it you are gauranteed a hit on anything thrust 6 or
less.  Every book in the fleet book.  Of course, escorts can deal easily
with this.  Just make sure you drop an escort close to the ships current

That is the weakness with your design, I think I could take it out with
a lower point value fleet by having scouts to cover heavy cruisers.


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