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RE: Vector Movement and SML's

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 13:22:10 -0400
Subject: RE: Vector Movement and SML's

6" is a bit much for vector. In the Fleet Book, the average ship has a
thrust of 4. If you have a 6" radius, you can guarantee a hit on any
with a MD of 4 or less. Just place your SM's at the point where the
current heading and velocity will take it. It will not be able to move
from that point (and therefore will be in range). 

Free lunch for: 

Septième Peste class Superdreadnought
Brian Bell
Tech: Human (FB)
Govt: FSE
Mass: 227
Cost: 776
Clas: Superdreadnought (SDN)
Hull: Average
Strm: None
FTL:  Std.
MD:   3
Armr: 10
Damg: 68; 17/17/17/17
Crew: 12
Sens: Std.
  1 x Screen
  3 x FCS
  6 x PDS
  1 x Salvo Missile Launcher (FP,F,FS)
  1 x Salvo Missile Launcher (AP,FP,F)
  1 x Salvo Missile Launcher (F,FS,AS)
  1 x SM Magazine (9 salvos)
  1 x Salvo Missile Launcher (FP,F,FS)
  1 x Salvo Missile Launcher (AP,FP,F)
  1 x Salvo Missile Launcher (F,FS,AS)
  1 x SM Magazine (9 salvos)
  1 x Class-3 beam (AP,FP,F)
  1 x Class-3 beam (F,FS,AS)
  2 x Class-2 beam (All)
  The first ship design out of the 'Yarda Europea De la Nave De la
  Federación, Nueva España', The Septième Peste (7th Plague) SDN just
shy of
  23,000 tons. It is designed to fill two roles. Home defense (where
  is not a problem) and hit and run. Critics of this design note that is
  slow compared to the Foch and that its primary weapons carry armor for
  3 salvos. Proponents point out that the 6 SML's provide unparalleled
  (enough to take out any ship) and improved protection. The class name
  from the 7th plague against Egypt in the book of Exodus, the plague of

Brian Bell

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger Books []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 1:02 PM
> To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject:	Re: Vector Movement
> Only if you are dealing with 1 SM.  4 covers a 6 inch circle fairly
> well with significant overlap.  You get better coverage if you have 
> some clue what your opponent is doing.  (He is advancing, it is 
> unlikely he is going to retreate, suddenly 2 gets coverage.)
> What, you want to hit with all your SM's?  They are far too cheap and
> take up too little mass if you can hit a decent opponent 50% of the
> time.
> Personally, I like 6 inches in vector, it means I won't miss anything
> with thrust 6 or lower.
> Often you don't need different rules, you need to look at your
> tactics and make sure your ships and tactics work well together.
> Here, try this on, in cinematic I am going against someone that
> will start within 24" and have speed 5.  I have two SMs and he
> will have thrusts 8.	With this setup I can bracket every possible
> point he can be IF he turns by even 1 point.	I cover everything
> other than a decel by 5 and no turn with an accel of 6 7 8.
> I'm betting he turns.  If I can catch him against a planet I can
> have a sure thing.
> My mission, destroy one of opponents ships and escape.  I have 300
> and he likes small fast ships.
> Roger

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