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FMA: Wounds and some other ideas

From: Randy W Wolfmeyer <randyw@c...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 13:12:21 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: FMA: Wounds and some other ideas

Hi, I guess I'm new.  I've been reading the digests for the past few
months and just stealing everyone else's ideas without making any of my
own contributions.  But the FMA skirmish rules have given me plenty to
think about:

1) Wounds.  There wasn't a clear indication in the rules about what
wounded meant.	It was mentioned that it could just lower the quality
used by the wounded trooper.  This possibility occured to me:  The
figure would have to make a quality vs. motivation + 2 (?) to be able to
actually take any action during his activation.  He would have to test
every activation.  A variation would be to make him take the test each
activation and the first time he fails he's unconcious and can take no
more actions (unless seen to by a medic) for the game.

2) MOS.  I was working on something similar for a campaign of Stargrunt
were going to play.  The idea was that certain troops have specialties
when your SAW gunner goes down, you may or may not have someone else who
is trained to use it.  My system worked on the principle that Green got
specialization, Regular - 2, Veteran - 3, and Elite - 4.  Some actions
were possible without having the specialization, e.g. firing the SAW but
with a 1 die shift down from his quality die, while others were
without the specialization (flying a VTOL).  Using basic equipment like
AR with GL were assumed part of the basic training that everyone had.

I also was toying with idea of making one spec. the primary spec.  For
that spec. the figure would get one die shift up from his quality.  The
elites wouldn't have a primary spec, they'd be the best at all of their

Randy Wolfmeyer

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