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[FT] KV Fighters - was Re: Schoon's KV Playtest Designs

From: "Denny Graver" <cyberdruss@c...>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 01:11:49 -0000
Subject: [FT] KV Fighters - was Re: Schoon's KV Playtest Designs

>You really need to pay the heavy fighter costs for KV fighters as they
>also have another advantage over human fighters which most people
>forget.  KV fighters ignore screens!  (MT pg 26).
>This makes them more efficient than human attack fighters when
>screen-2 ships.  I certainly don't want to meet KV heavy attack
>as they would have an average damage of 6 pts/turn for 6 turns (36
>points) [ignoring casualties] against any human ship, which is better
>than torpedo fighters (10.5 pts)

They do seem a little nasty, don't they.

As mentioned in Tim's previous post, KV fighters came under discussion
the mailing list for Man/Kravak Wars, the PBEM I am currently running (a
players fleet battle using the UOKVFB and FB).	As I have never played
played against KV forces, I had never really considered the KV
of the Human Fighter types - perhaps I assumed they would be covered in
who knows..
Anyhoo, here is one possible KV figher type that I thought of given
background info..  I was thinking along the lines of a kamikaze at the

Expendable Squadrons(Fa'Tk'San)
Those designed to do the decent thing to raise the status of their
Subfamilies back home. They are not armoured, the additional space freed
being replaced with
extra weaponry	and explosives. This counts as Interceptor weaponry, ie
a +1
attack vs fighters but also vs ships.

Expendable squadrons may still attack ships when they have no endurance,
but are expended 1 fighter attack (player chooses the number).	When
attacking ships in this way, each fighter surviving gets a 3d6 Kra'Vak
(Kinetic Projectile Weapon) attack as per MT26.

Any thoughts ?	I haven't thought about costs yet,

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