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Re: [OT] Jon Tuffley Made It Into Murphy's Rules!

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 18:16:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] Jon Tuffley Made It Into Murphy's Rules!

At 04:14 PM 3/12/99 -0500, you wrote:
>The fact that fighters are max movement, and starships don't made it
>a Murphy's rules, by John Kovalic.  (I don't think it's available to
>public in general; you have to have an on-line subscription to 
>Pyramid magazine.)
>/ Jerry Han -	CANOE Canada - - \
>  ** Visit the Canadian Online Explorer! => **
> The opinions expressed are mine, and not necessarily those of CANOE
>	    "In this beautiful life, there's always some sorrow..."

And did you notice who submitted it?  How many designers are willing to
*admit* (much less point out) the logical lapses of their rule systems?

John X Crimmins
  " one of the secret masters of the world: a librarian.
They control information.  Don't ever piss one off."
  --Spider Robinson, The Callahan Touch.

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