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[FT]Sensors -Xeno Sensors & FTL

From: "Denny Graver" <cyberdruss@c...>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 00:00:00 -0000
Subject: [FT]Sensors -Xeno Sensors & FTL

Hi Listers, Me again. :)

A couple of things....

Full Thrust's sensor rules were written before the introduction of
Aliens to
the FT universe (there was background, but no aliens).

More Thrust introduced expanded sensor rules and aliens, but all share
same sensor systems.

Passive (Civilian) Sensors have 36" range.
Active (Military) Sensor have 54" range for detection purposes.

Strangely enough 36" is also the max range of the A Battery, the longest
ranged weapon in the human arsenal (excluding AA Batteries).

This got me thinking about Kra'Vak and Sa'Vasku sensors.
The longest ranged Kra'Vak weapon, a Class 3 Railgun has a max range of
The longest ranged Sa'Vasku weapon, a Long range Energy Pulse has a max
range of 24".

In a post last week I mentioned that I would be doubling Active sensor
to expand the Fog of War aspect in a PBEM game between Human and Kravak.

Therefore we now have

Passive Sensors 36" (6)    (civilian)
Active Sensors 54" (9)	  (military)
Long Range Sensors 104" (18) (all)

Long ranged sensors are mentioned in the FT campaign rules for when
occupy the same system (p34).
Effectively, you opponent must reveal the number  of Escorts, Cruisers,
Capital ships (numbers confused by Decoy Drones/weasel boats emitting
signals). This should give you an idea whether you want to disengage, or

Anyhoo, I extrapolated similar tables (based on longest ranged weapons)
the Kra'Vak and Sa'Vasku and they look like this:

Humans	      36"	 54"	    72"
Kra'Vak       30"	 45"	    60"
Sa'Vasku      24"	 36"	    48"

Looking at this Table Humans have the best sensors - typical Human
arrogance, even if unintentional.  I can live with that as the KV are
kicking butt according to  GZG history.  However, In my very strange
way, I
felt I had to make things even somehow..

Having just done new FTL Entry/Exit rules (posted last week) I thought
of a
way to 'compensate' the Aliens without giving too much away (after all,
sensors only really come into play at the beginning of a tabletop game
during a campaign game).
	      FTL Danger
		Space	   Other notes
Human		  6	   Causes Nausea in Humans, most require drugs
Kra'Vak 	  4	   Causes adrenal rush, some requires drugs to
fighting amongst the crew !
Sa'Vasku	  2	   No Effect.
Sa'Vasku ships _never_ misjump into their own ships.

Any comments ?

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