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Re: GZG DS2: Close Assault Oddities

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 22:53:10 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: GZG DS2: Close Assault Oddities

You wrote: 

>    I suspect that when the PA teams close assaulted, they broke unit
>integrity with the missile teams and APCs.

Actually, not quite.  The rest of the platoon was parked half an inch 
in front of the OBJ.  The infantry advanced under the cover of 
smoke--Dave has learned well the power of the Smoke Gods.

>    I would have close assaulted with the PA teams, GMS teams and APCs
>altogether. Provided your PA teams and APCs exceeded the number of 

Into a factory with APCs you are assaulting?  Actually first it was the 
rubble of a factory, second time was largely intact building.

defenders >and the GMS teams didn't attack any defenders, I would say 
that they >couldn't be attacked by the defenders. In other words, if 
the close >assaulting attackers exceed the defenders, the attacker gets 
to determine >who fights who, and vice versa.

Interesting idea. . . 

John M. Atkinson

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