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DS2 Vehicle design question.

From: Paul Lesack <lesack@u...>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 10:42:09 -0700
Subject: DS2 Vehicle design question.

When designing an APC, are the mounted infantry units considered a
"weapon" for the purpose of weapons fit?

Andy Cowell's page won't let me put 2 line infantry and a weapon in an

I can put in 1 PA element (twice the space!) and a weapon.
Theoretically, then, 2 elements of line fit in the APC.

The DS2 rule book on p.11 specifies weapons fit, but does not say
specifically that infantry are a "weapon".  The chart on p. 16 lists
infantry as a weapon/system. Is this a semantics problem, or what?

In any event, I think mounted infantry would be a pretty poor "weapon",
all things considered.

What is the official deal? 

Thanks for your help. . .

Paul, whose APCs must be class 2, because they're smaller than his class
3 vehicles.

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