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RE: Stargrunt WWII conversion

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 16:37:08 +1000
Subject: RE: Stargrunt WWII conversion

OK Los, here is the post of Michael Blair's dealing with WWII. From
memory it generated a bit of discussion, but that's what the list is


Owen G
Rather than buying a WWW II ruleset I thought why not use Stargrunt, the

first fruits of this idea lie below. I am not sure how well the command 
& control system fits but I guess quite well, even if I have to make 
everything worse (yes, even the SS!).

Weapon		Range	Firepower Impact Example
Pistol			Close	1	D4	<= 9 mm P
Heavy Pistol		Close	1	D6	.45, .455
Shotgun 	Close	1	D10	12-Bore Pump
SMG			Close	3	D8	MP-40, Thompson, Sten...
Carbine 			1	D6	M1 Carbine
Machine Carbine 	2	D6	M2 Carbine
Assault Rifle			2	D8	StG 44
Bolt-Action Rifle			1	D10	Kar 98k, SMLE...
Automatic Rifle 		2	D10	FG 42, BAR
SAW				D6	D10	Bren
LMG				D8	D10	MG34, MG42
MMG				D10	D10	Vickers, .30 Browning
HMG				D10	D12	.50 M2HB
Anti-Tank Rifle 		1	D12	Boys
Panzerschrek			D10	D12*
Panzerfaust			D10	D10*
Bazooka 		D10	D10*

These are just a few quick ideas, untested and untried. I think there 
are maybe too many of them but better too many than too few.
I am not very happy with SMGs.

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