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Re: Mini size question:

From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 15:43:33 -0700
Subject: Re: Mini size question:

Chad Lubrecht wrote:
k from the
> Starblazers Range (Gamilion High Speed Cruisers). These are small
> came 6 to a pack, with only a single stand.
> I was considering using them as fighters, but I'm not sure how they
> compare sizewise with GZG's fighter minis. These are about 3/4" by
...snip... JTL
> Chad A. Lubrecht

1)  The Comet Empire destroyers are just about right for
what they calim to be in FT.
2)  The Comet Empire Missile cruiser is a neat ship and
just about right for a Large cruiser or small battlecruiser.
3)  The Gam destroyers a just about right for Fighters.
4)  I suggest the High Speed cruisers be sued a Frigates.

Bye for now,
John L.

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