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Re: KV in the New System

From: Jeff Lyon <jefflyon@m...>
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 09:57:56 -0500
Subject: Re: KV in the New System

At 08:37 AM 7/7/98 -0500, Noah V. Doyle wrote:
>Has anyone tried using KV equipment (railguns, scatterguns) in the new
>design system?  I was looking over the rules again last night, and they

>would seem to be real shipkillers.  I also figured that the mass for
>railfuns would go along the same lines as the beams (1/2/4/8...). 

Haven't tried them using the FB design system yet since I haven't got
one yet.


I did try using a watered-down version of the railgun in my background
universe a human (ie "low tech") equivalent of the pulse torp.	I felt
were closer in function than beam and railguns were.  You may be right
about the masses, though...I'll have to run the number when I get a look
the actual book.

In my FTII house rules for railguns, the smaller caliber railguns were
assumed to have shorter accelerator tracks and lower muzzle velocities. 
a result, they were less accurate in each range band than larger ones
had a shorter effective range.	To compensate, I made each of the larger
caliber railguns progressively larger (I think it was mass 1, 3 and 6
respectively).	I juggled the numbers until they came out similar to the
way beams work now; small caliber railguns had shorter ranges but
higher damage than an equivalent mass of larger, more accurate, and
longer-ranged large-caliber guns.

As for the scatguns, I'd have to say that as anti-ship weapons they are
just too nasty for words.

I've heard that PDS now have some limited offensive capabilities but not
any specifics.	I suspect that for my universe, this may represent
autocannon, small caliber turreted railguns, etc. for the humans.


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