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RE: Dogs, use of (non-explosive), cats, and grav bikes.

From: Mike Wikan <MWikan@m...>
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 08:23:30 -0700
Subject: RE: Dogs, use of (non-explosive), cats, and grav bikes.

Explosive Sheep!!! Drop them near those enemy units that lack integral
female companionship and.... By next week the surviving troops take a
morale test every time they LOS an ewe...

OK, that was silly...

Michael Wikan, Game Designer
Accolade, Inc.

> Just a quick mention, since I haven't plugged them for months,
> that Irregular produce plenty of animal figures. I haven't a 25mm
> catalogue to hand, but I'd be shocked if they didn't do dogs,
> wolves, buffalo, crocodiles and sheep.
> --
> David Brewer

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