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RE: Painting Valiant Miniatures

From: Michael Brown <mkkabrow@w...>
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 17:50:35 -0700
Subject: RE: Painting Valiant Miniatures

WHERE?	Are there any left (or did you grab them all and run)!

Mike Brown

From:	Nyrath the nearly wise
Sent:	Sunday, June 07, 1998 3:12 PM
Subject:	Painting Valiant Miniatures

I recently managed to aquire some of the
legendary Valiant Stardate 3000 lead miniature
starships, and I wondered of anybody had
any pointers on painting them.

I'm attempting to give them the 
"2001 Space Odyssey" look, the way the
Discovery and the Aries appeared.

Surely there is something I can do
besides spray painting them flat white!

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