Re: Low Tech Scenarios
From: carlparl@j... (Carl J Parlagreco)
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 17:42:52 -0400
Subject: Re: Low Tech Scenarios
The AK-47 fires a 7.62x39 round, meaning it's 7.62mm diameter by 39mm
long. And this is the Russian or Chinese ammo, the stuff made for it. I
don't know what that guy was talking about referring to 7.63mm ammo. The
only 7.63mm I can think of is a pistol round.
On Wed, 20 May 1998 09:57:30 -0700 Tony Christney <>
>At 12:19 AM 5/20/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>I thought the round's design was copied in the AK-47? 7.62 instead
>>7.92. Isn't the charge of the Sg44 halfway between a rifle and a
>>pistol? And, last question, wasn't the smaller round used because
>>ranges were less than what the standard 7.92 was made for and because
>>the need for an assault weapon?
>I believe that the AK-47 used 7.63mm rounds, of course, I'm no
>expert, so I could be way off. I seem to recall firing an
>AK with 7.62mm rounds but the owner said that that was only
>because it wasn't very easy to get the 7.63 stuff. Could have
>all been BS and I wouldn't have been the wiser...
> Tony Christney
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