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Re: DS: SAW versus APSW versus RFAC

From: "Steve Pugh" <mafb90@p...>
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 1998 16:39:45 +0000
Subject: Re: DS: SAW versus APSW versus RFAC

> > Heavy Support Weapons:
> > These fall inbetween the SAW type weapons and Class 1 Heavy
> > Weapons. They are normally operated by a two or three man team.
> > They use the same rules as Crew served weapons (page 30 of SGII)
> > but the crew do not count as encumbered when moving.
> Unless down to 50% original strength. One guy could carry a .50 HMG
> plus tripod, but he'd think he was dying. One guy pulling a wheeled
> MG like and older soviet DShK would find it a bit of a go.  Also, in
> this case, you may want to shift firepower down one die type to
> reflect the abscense of a loader - these guns aren't autoloaders
> like some of the ones on vehicles and are probably belt fed. 

Well considering what's been said since this was written and also 
bearing in mind that we are talking SF here and thus we might be able 
to expect lighter, stronger alloys (and wouldn't caseless ammo also 
reduce the weight a bit?) I'd propose the following: 
3-man team Normal Movement
2-man Encumbered Movement
1-man Forget it!

So you could have a four man HMG team (always nice to have a 
spare...) or a standard three man team, or a two man team if you 
don't plan on moving around much.

> > Weapon		   Firepower	 Impact
> > ------------------------------------------------------
> > HMG 		    D10 	  D6x2
> > Rotary HMG		    D12 	  D6x2
> > Gauss HMG		    D12 	  D8x2
> I'd be tempted to use D8x2 for the HMG also. The M2HB hits way
> harder than the 7.62mm multi-barrell does. The Gauss is obviously
> best of both worlds. Once you go to RFACs, you start reaching the
> calibre where the round is not as effective against infantry - it
> just goes right through.  

I wasn't intending the Rotary HMG to be a 7.62mm equivalent. I was 
intending it to be the multi-barrelled equivalent of the HMG. Sure 
there's no way such a brute could be man-packed today, but as I said 
above this is SF and power supplies have to be smaller/lighter to 
make gauss weapons and power armour possible. Ditto coolant systems 
and caseless ammo.

After all, the Rot-SAW is presumably chambered in the same calibre as 
the SAW in the standard rules.

> Also, minis of HW that have gunshields might offer one shift for
> cover (it is hard cover, but not 360 degree, or fully protecting)
> for the gun crew.

Hmmm. Not sure about that. Maybe.

> > I have the feeling that this is terrible unclear.
> Nonsense. It's great. I'm going to use it. You should post this to
> jeremy sadler and have him put it up on the unofficial SG2 page.
> It's good! 



My other .sig is a Porsche.

Steve Pugh.

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