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Re: [GZG Ontario Con] Timing and Volunteers

From: carlparl@j... (Carl J Parlagreco)
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 1998 11:59:57 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG Ontario Con] Timing and Volunteers

Is the next GZG con in PA going to be the weekend before Cold Wars? I
don't know about anybody else, but I thought the timing was pretty bad.
would have gone, except I'd already made plans to do Cold Wars, and I
couldn't blow off two weekends in a row like that.

It doesn't have to be moved much, just a couple of weekends between the
two cons would be nice.

On Sat, 07 Mar 1998 22:47:26 +0000 Brian Bell <>
>> How does 3rd week of September sound to everyone? It's also 5 
>> not 4, away from another GZG con in PA, which spaces them out a bit
>> better.
>This is great! Assuming I have a job then, I would be intrested in
>attending. I would even run a FT scenario and/or a DS2 scenario (if I
>can get someone to help with loaning minatures for it).
>Brian Bell
>The Full Thrust Ship Registry
>Dirtside II Site
>Stargrunt II Site
>Cygnus Eclipsers' Science Fiction Games Page

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