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Mobility hits on aircraft

From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 14:36:10
Subject: Mobility hits on aircraft

At 10:55 PM 2/19/98 +0100, you wrote:
>Actually, the original issue concerned cargo and transport ships, not
>fighters. I personally am not as concerned about a fighter as I am a
>laden (atleast 3 vehicles) transport. If while ingressing the LZ or DZ,
>mobility chit is pulled, what happens to the craft? POOF? Or do most
>design their Cows with redundant engines (like modern aircraft). I
>crafts with redundant engines. I just wanted to see how others handled

	For ADS systems the special chits do not apply.  However, when
weapons are fired against air vehicles then they do (HELs etc).  If you
a mobility hit then make the pilot roll a quality die versus the
(low is bad, high is good) and the terrain (clear is good, cluttered is
bad) and conduct a non-powered landing.  If he beats it he and his cargo
are cool.  If he meets it he and his cargo are damaged.  If he rolls too
low, well... better dispatch some cables home to their families...

Gort, Klaatu barada nikto!

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