Re: OGRE involvement? (Was: Complexity/Campaigns)
From: Samuel Reynolds <reynol@p...>
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 12:01:34 -0700
Subject: Re: OGRE involvement? (Was: Complexity/Campaigns)
>At approximately 1/23/98 7:24 PM, Winchell Chung wrote:
>> A nice game. My only gripe was the
>> diceless combat system.
>> (I did the artwork for that game, by the way...)
>A little off topic here... are you the same Winchell Chung that listed
>as a designer from many of the vehicle's from SJG's OGRE?
>If you are, all I'd like to say is "GREAT WORK"
>Now if I could only locate more of those minis... ARGH, RATS...
I saw a post this morning on r.g.m.m asking if anyone would
be interested in buying some OGRE minis--said he would dig
them out if so.
- Sam
Samuel Reynolds