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Re: Robotech for Full Thrust

From: Brian <pdga6560@c...>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 14:56:14 -0800
Subject: Re: Robotech for Full Thrust

> A question: what would the transforming cababilities of the SDF
> cost? And what effect would they have? If within 1" of an enemy, could
> humanoid form of the ship attempt a 'boot to the head' maneuver? :)
Someone posted rules for convertable fighters long ago.
Unfortunatly, I did not save them. So here is my memory
impaired rememberance of the rules:

SDF Fighters:
Fighter Mode: As Intercepter
Guardian Mode: 8" Movement. Otherwise standard fighter
Battleoid Mode: 4" Movement. 360 degree arc of fire as
standard fighter.  If in base to
   base contact with a ship, it may make a special

Each fighter group must note what mode it will be in
during that turn. All fighter in a group must be in the
same mode. If they change modes, they are at -1 when
they fire.

Fighters in Battleoid mode that touch bases with a ship
may land on that ship. While on the ship, they may
attack the ship as an Attack Fighter (even if the ship
is screened). Also they are attacked as if they are
Heavy Fighters. Also, any attack that misses them will
do 1 point of damage to the ship they are on.

I forgot what the cost was. About  18 points per fighter

Zentroni Battlepods: As Heavy Fighters
Zentoni Femaile Battle Armor: As Intercepters. If in
base to base contact with a ship, it may
   attack the ship as a standard fighter.

Brian Bell

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