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Re: Just a thought (a little long)

From: kx.henderson@q... (Kelvin)
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 19:04:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Just a thought (a little long)

>I completely understand the limitations that Jon has when it comes to 
>creating new products, being a 2-man operation and all.  But I've 
>seen nothing but outstanding support by the players themselves that 
>might warrant what I have to say.  There was a thread that dealt with 
>"hiring" an outside writer to produce some supplements.  My 
>proposition is this:  why can't WE, the players, and some very 
>trustworthy soul, put together a supplement package for DS/SG for 
>submittal and approval to Jon himself.  This would take all the 
>pressure and expense out of it, and would only need to be 
>read/edited/approved for mass consumption.
>I guess my point is, we all have great ideas penned up inside our 
>wargame minds that could very well be the next edition to the above 
>games.  Why can't we come up a legitimate package of 
>rules/supplements that would enhance our games, thus giving back what 
>we are ALL getting out of the hobby.  I myself would love to see some 
>of my house rules for all the games I play, published.  And it isn't 
>until a great rule/scenario is published, does it get the acceptance 
>of everybody.

I agree.  No royalties for any of us.  Just a mention in the credits and
think we would ALL feel warm and fuzzy inside when we read it.	Its a
idea.  Heck, we could even have a volunteer compile and edit a draft to
to Jon.  That'd cut down the work he'd need to do even more rather than
sending him a collection of mail.  But I love the idea.


 "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
  "I think so Brain but, horizontal stripes on 
       trousers make me look fat.  Poit!"
	    -Pinky and the Brain

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