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Kevin Pavlick wrote:
> I'm sorry I wasn't more clear. What I meant by giving back what we
> get out of this hobby, I meant totally free. Pooling our ideas to
> creat something that we give for free to Jon. I myself would just
> like to see this game system grow, and if I could (along with others)
> provide some quality (approved by GZG) additions to these rule sets,
> then it could ONLY enhance our gameplay, and make it more popular
> (and so on). There a dozens of un-official codex's out there for GW
> stuff for free. So why don't we take what we are offering for free
> on the WWW, and give it to Jon for publishing.
Are we not doing this already?Anything we put on the list can I think be
used by Jon. I know he takes the output of the list very seriously, but
I think all we should do is continue to offer suggestions and rules
ideas as per normal in list postings.What you suggest is in concept a
good idea, but WHO decides which ideas are in the final draft sent to
Jon, I can't believe that we will find it easy to reach a consensus.
For instance some players want a points system for SG2, IIRC this caused
a really heated debate on the list, the interested parties never
resolved the issue, some will use point values some won't.
If we like the ideas or rules we see published on the list daily, then
we should try and use them when we play, do we really need the
'Official Sanction' from Jon? I know they are invalid in convention
tournaments and competitions, but for the majority of play which is in
Clubs, groups and in the Home they can be 'House Rules'.
Eventually GZG will produce the supplements we want and I'm sure they
will be influenced by the 'feedback' and ideas Jon has picked up from
the list. They will I believe be worth the wait, and until then there
are loads of excellent 'Unofficial' ideas being posted all the time to
this list.
I hope this was'nt seen as destructive, its just my view.
Regards........ Roger
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