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Re: Changing Die Types

From: "Earl R. Forsythe II" <combatwombat@c...>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 18:57:12 -0400
Subject: Re: Changing Die Types

Message text written by
You could always allow level 4+ shields in your 1d12 games...  I assume
you are refering to the unshielded table?

No, what I mean is that level three shields under the d12 system I
proposed are not as protective as level 3 shields under the d6 system.

Damage breakdown of d6 based system found in Full Thrust
0 Screens: 50.0% chance of 0 damage, 33.3% chance of 1 damage, 16.6%
of 2 damage
1 Screen: 66.6% chance of 0 damage, 16.6% chance of 1 damage, 16.6%
of 2 damage
2 Screens: 66.6% chance of 0 damage, 33.3% chance of 1 damage, 0% chance
2 damage
3 Screens: 83.3% chance of 0 damage, 16.6% chance of 1 damage, 0% chance
2 damage

Damage breakdown of d12 based system
(shields as a neagtive modifier to the die roll)
0 Screens: 50.0% chance of 0 damage, 33.3% chance of 1 damage, 16.6%
of 2 damage
1 Screen: 58.3% chance of 0 damage, 33.3% chance of 1 damage, 8.3%
of 2 damage
2 Screens: 66.6% chance of 0 damage, 33.3% chance of 1 damage, 0% chance
2 damage
3 Screens: 75.0% chance of 0 damage, 25.0% chance of 1 damage, 0% chance
2 damage
4 Screens: 83.3% chance of 0 damage, 16.6% chance of 1 damage, 0% chance
2 damage

Under the regular rules, you have a 1 in 6 chance of causing 1 point of
damage with 
each die against a target with level three shields.  Some people have
that this 
makes capital ships (DNs, SDNs,) too hard to kill.

Under the d12 system, the odds improve to a 1 in 4 chance of causing 1
point of 
damage per die.


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