RE: Salvo Missile Batteries <NEW>
From: "ROBERTSON,Brendan" <Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 19:37:30 -0400
Subject: RE: Salvo Missile Batteries <NEW>
The salvo's seem to be a bit powerful for the mass/range being used.
Limiting the range to 12" would alleviate this somewhat (no-one would
use beam weapons with those ranges & mass). Do you really want to be
shot with 6 die SubPacs at 40" range every turn?
Also, it would be best to stick to the standard fire arcs (P/F/S), maybe
allowing additional arcs to be purchased.
I'm presuming the *DAF fire uses antifighter values against the salvos?
(w) Brendan.Robertson @
'Neath Southern Skies
The Oceanic Union lives!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Wikan []
>Subject: Salvo Missile Batteries <NEW>
>Here's my pass at Salvo Launched Antiship Missiles (SLAM)
>for FT/MT:
>ARC: from 9 o'clock to 3'oclock (180 degrees fwd)
>Damage: Each battery rolls d6. Whatever number rolled is how many
>SUBMUNITION dice you roll. For instance: you fire one SLAM and roll a
>4. You then roll 4 die. On a 1-3 a miss, 4-5 one point, 6 two points.
>If target has ECM subtract 1 from number of hits die roll. Total all
>batteries fired at target by ship. target ship rolls 1 die per
>ADAF/PDAF committed to missile defense. subtract defensive rolls from
>offensive number of hits. remaining hits are rolled for damage as
>usual. Shields have no effect. Armor makes 5 one point, 6 two points
>for grade 1. 5-6= one point for grade 2.
>Mike Wikan
>Game Design\Conceptual Art
>n-Space, Inc.
>A Producer of 3D Entertainment Software
>"Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot."