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RE: DSII: Special Vehicle Packs & Multiple APWSs

From: Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 1997 19:22:45 -0400
Subject: RE: DSII: Special Vehicle Packs & Multiple APWSs

1) Not sure about this, as i don't have the book handy.

2) 1 weapon system includes all systems of that type, so a size 4
vehicle with 5 APSWs (Including the _free_ one) & nothing else would
attack infantry 5 times. A little overkill, but would make sure of
taking out powerarmoured infantry stands.

'Neath Southern Skies
The Oceanic Union lives!

>-----Original Message-----
>1) Do CasEvac, Minelayers, Repair/Recovery, Bridgelaying, & General 
>Engineering packages cost any cargo space?
>2) Since you can only fire 1 weapon system in an activation, why would 
>you ever want to have more than 1 APSW?  I guess they could be linked 
>like multi-barrel direct fire weapons.

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