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Re: FTIII: A Plea to End "Me Too" Firing.

From: "Chris McCurry" <CMCCURR@v...>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 16:08:13 -0400
Subject: Re: FTIII: A Plea to End "Me Too" Firing.

On section four of the previous e-mail

[>4) this one is interesting - having already decided that FTIII may
>include a counter sheet (similar to the DS/SG ones), we could make a
of >numbered chits that could be allocated to each ship after moving,
either to >players' choice or even at random (draw chits face down and
allocate to >ships without looking at them!). This may be an amusing
option, especially >for smaller games....
>Reactions anyone? [duck]  :)]

Some of my input:  I don't think that 'chits' work very well in table
games.	It adds another longer step to a possible already long game.  I
like the dirt side and star grunt books mainly for ideas but the accual
game workings didn't work for our group (here in Houston, Texas, USA)

Idea: if you want to randomize firing order try a table of all ships
numbers along side;  roll dice and look up the coorisponding number to
choose a ship.

Or: somthing we tryed was having all ship relative to each other.  (a
command order if you will)  a command ship was the first to have the
opption to fire next would be the either 1) the closest ships or 2) the
next in command ships.	 firing order would carry on down through a
(chain of command) like as the orders were passed on.

Basicly the reason chits are a pain is .. the less there is to keep
of the better.

let me know

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