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RE: Capital Ships in Campeign Games

From: Sprayform <>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 10:19:14 -0500
Subject: RE: Capital Ships in Campeign Games

At 12:58 27/03/97 +0000, you wrote:

>>Just some thoughts...
>I couldn't agree more - some very well-expressed sentiments. The
>is, how do we persuade all the powergamers/munchkins/anoraks* that this
>the way to go? Does anyone feel we should actually legislate on things
>this in future rules (maybe on the lines of the previously-suggested
>"maximum % of certain ship types in fleet"), or do we continue as
>and leave it up to the players to be "reasonable" about this....:) ?
>Awaiting deluge of replies with interest!!
2nded. Jon (top cat)

Simple- tell them to design a fleet but don't give anyone the senario 
details until the fleet is fielded (or should that be vacuumed!!)
this will result in anoraks 1 for 9 ,and sensible dudes 5 for 10
10 senarios in which the opposition is a sensible dude)
..Well blow me thats just what the military designers do!
>Jon (GZG).
>*To quote Flanders & Swann's wonderfully politically-incorrect little
>"A Song of Patriotic Predjudice": "... they argue with umpires, they
>when they've won - and they practice beforehand, which ruins the
And they _never_ open their wallet until 'last orders' is sung!!

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