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Re: Battlerider Mini Suggestions

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+@C...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 11:01:52 -0500
Subject: Re: Battlerider Mini Suggestions

Excerpts from FT: 18-Mar-97 Re: Battlerider Mini Sugges.. by "Mike
> The traveller 2300 line has some excellent, reasonably priced minis. 
> there are Patrol Cruisers (2/Blister) that are extraordinary, sleek, 
> and menacing that look mass 20. (I use mine for mass 22 Pursuit 
> Cruisers (light)) there is also a corollary set of "gunship" types 
> that are 5 to a blister that I use for mass 12 "strikeboats".

Actually, I think you're talking about the Traveller: The New Era ship
line; no minis were ever produced for 2300AD/Trav:2300, more's the pity.
 (I'd *love* a mini of a Kennedy-class Missile Cruiser!)

However, the T:NE ships *are* quite nice... I think I've got a set of
your "strikeboats" (flat ships, two big guns on the wingtips?) which I
use for FTL-less SDBs... I think I've got 'em with two B-batts and a
couple submunitions (see those four little depressions in the leading
wing edges?  Those are the outlet ports.... ^_^ )

I also like the... Aslan? patrol ship, or something like that.	It looks
a *lot* like your stereotypical anime ship, with an oviod head that has
a depression in it -- torp launcher? -- and what appear to be a whole
lot of missiles in the front of the engine pod... I'm using those as a
scatterpacks, too. ^_^

		    Aaron Teske 

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