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RE: Descriptive design system idea

From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 12:47:58 -0500
Subject: RE: Descriptive design system idea

One of the ideas that I'm rather fond of is using the d10-decimal
system. For instance, given Dean's simple formula and 'plugging' in a
roll of a ten-sider, indicating the industrial capacity of the race
(planet, shipyard, city, space port, factory...... whatever) in question
you are given a simple points value, diiferent systems or locations may
have different values. The industrial value can be set by the scenario,
or be a function of some other campaign mechanic (pay an extra billion
astro-bucks in overtime pay and the factories work all night, pumping up
your industrial capacity). Obviously, an IC of 1 is the lowest, slowest,
or most inefficient, while a 10 would represent the most rapid and
efficient metthods. Newly obtained technology can be given an IC penalty
until it becomes assimilated into the broader tech-base. For the really
quibbly-minded you could even use a d100 for all of the shades of
percentile goodness. Using some of the basic ship types and Dean's quick
n' dirty formula we have....

Scout boat: 1ms, 15pts 
	IC: 3 6.6 days (weeks ? months ?)
	IC: 8 2.5 days (weeks ? months ?)

Heavy cruiser: 32ms, 238pts
	IC: 3  132.6 days (weeks ? months ?)
	IC: 8  49.7 days (weeks ? months ?)

Fleet carrier: 98ms, 687pts
	IC: 3  392.3 days (weeks ? months ?)
	IC: 8  147.1 days (weeks ? months ?)

Battle dreadnought: 60ms, 431pts
	IC: 2  365.5 days (Almost excatly a 'year-and-a-day' like its
the H.M.S. Dreadnought)
	IC: 3  243.6 days (weeks ? months ?)
	IC: 8  91.3 days (weeks ? months ?)

Beats me if these are historically accurate given wet-navy vessels of
similar type, but they seem reasonable to me. I think the time scale
using days is best, although if materials for ships are really rare,
maybe a longer time frame is applicable..... 

>Sent:	Monday, March 10, 1997 6:36 PM
>Cc:	George,Eugene M
>Subject:	Re: Descriptive design system idea
>Tre wrote;
>> I've been trying to come up with campaign rules, and I don't think
that the
>>> point system, as it is now, accurately reflects a ship's
>>cost, > only how it will generally fare in battle against another
>>Does > anyone have any quick and dirty ideas on this?
> Have total ship mass be the major factor in ship cost and construction
>time.Ship point should be involved but of secondary importance.  A
>formula to
>show the relationship could be:
>Construction time = [(ship mass * 5) + points] / X
>X is some number that results in balanced construction times.
>Construction cost could do something similar but have less of a bias on
>more on points.
> Dean Gundberg

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